The Appracadabra launch

Last Saturday was a Big Day. For me, but especially for the four wonderful people on the left picture: Diana, Marlis, Xander and Jochem of Appracadabra launched their first App for children: count the animals. They celebrated this first launch with a circus themed party and asked me to take pictures of this Special Day. And special it was!

The location where they threw the party was absolutely stunningly decorated, with a huge circustent made of paper flags as the merry centre of it all. There where a lot of fun things to do for kids and most guests came dressed up circus themed, which gave the party an extra dimension of cheerfulness. There where pancakes, balloons, soap bubbles, confetti and lots more to complement the lot. I actually felt I had jumped back in time and walked through one of those old circuses from times gone by…smashing!

So..if you want to learn to count to 20 in a foreign language (in a fab way!), or just want to enjoy the pictures of the launchparty (totally worth checkin’!), check the Appracadabra website every now and then the upcoming week. I most be off now, there’s pictures that need to be edited!

Left: The Appracadabra team dressed up for the big party.
Right: Felix played Long Legged Gentleman for a day, he did such a swell job!

Thrifting Sewing Photographing Dreaming

I’m currently filling my days with my favourite activities. I sew, take pictures, thrift and dream. Listen to fab music (for example Soul Steppin’ with a selection of the most fab 80s soulmusic), meet up with friends and go out for dinner.

And count my blessings.

I shot this picture with our new camera. Have a lovely day my dears!


Our new camera arrived this week and we’re both as happy as two little children can be. With every new discovered feature we (well, mostly me) go Oooooeee and Aaaaah (25MB for one RAW picture? Oeoeoeoeoe! Creative filters? Aaaaaah!)

Even though I grew up in an era of fast developing techniques, I’m still so very impressed by every technical improvement or invention the Nerds of this World come up with. That’s why I married a nerd (in the most positive matter of speaking), he keeps impressing me with his tales of tweeked phones, faster calculating computers and other mind-blowing technical devices and inventions.

This morning I shot a couple of pictures of my studio just for shits and giggles. Above a picture of my big studio cupboard (that’s still not big enough for my bad hoarding habits), below Molly occupying my studio chair again (I actually called this picture ‘Molly Doing What She Does’, because every other picture on my computer of her is already called ‘Molly Sleeping’ and I couldn’t notice any difference between them anymore).


The little girl in me still loves statues of animals (mostly dangerously on the edge of kitsch). My eyes for detail love the look of flowers on old crockery, preferably those very detailed ones like the one on the teapot above. I love colors, but I couldn’t live in a home with walls painted in every color of the rainbow, but I do love those bold and simple patterns from the 60s and 70s. I’m so very glad they invented that wonderful name ‘eclectic’ to cover my love for a hotchpotch of design!

Today I’ve been playing with my camera again. I love how those detailed patterns on old crockery come out even more beautiful when you photograph them from closeby. How the light reflects. And how on the picture the left side of this teapot almost becomes invisible with that bright Summer light.

I often feel that my blog is one big adverse mess of non-connected pictures of a lot of old stuff. But now I think about it, it is just really who I am. Eclectic! But would you please excuse me now, I have to go and stare at some detailed patterns and my animal statues are screaming for attention. So long!

The Moving Cat picture

Do you know those pictures of beautiful homes with a cat that’s moving through the picture (a bit like this one here)? Every cat owner knows that the one thing that is not feasable with cats is managing them. Those people know too that shooting a picture of a cat on the move at the right moment at the right place is sheer luck.

I tried to do it.

Molly was dozing a bit in our upstairs hallway and I sat on my knees on the other side, trying to make a picture. But as you know, where I am, Molly is, so by the time my knees hit the ground she was already next to me on the ground, meowing and purring (just doing her Molly thing).

I put her back on her place in the hallway, petting her, trying to get her to go to sleep again, just to make that one picture.
In the end I think it’s easier to stage a moonlanding than to try to stage a picture with Molly in it.

But finally, after a couple of staging-attempts, I was fast enough to run back to my camera and shoot this photo, just before Molly reached me.

Like I said, sheer luck!