Our white brick home

There was one thing we were absolutely, one hundred percent sure about when we went on our Quest-For-A-New-Home last year. We would not, I repeat, not buy a home build with white bricks. In our humble opinion, people who lived in a white brick home were idiots and above that, had no taste. They had to be arrested and punished for the fact that they voluntarily chose to live in a white brick home. Overall, we thought white brick homes were ugly. Period.

And then we fell in love. Truly, madly, deeply. With a white brick home.

We love our white lady. Now the painter is almost done with his work (the woodwork turned from brown and yellowish white to dark blue and bright white), we love her even more (as far as that’s possible!). She looks like she is ten years younger and like she’s ready to go to the Pub and pick up men half her age now. She’s gorgeous and she knows it!

That’s how things go in life. You think you want Prince Charming, you fall in love with Shrek. Who turnes out to be the best thing that ever happened to you…

(A “Hi!” to all new followers! Welcome to my little blog, I hope you’ll like it here! Want to get to know me a bit better? Check out the ‘About me’ page. Have fun and thank you!)

8 antwoorden
  1. Planet Fur
    Planet Fur zegt:

    On behalf of us and our White Lady: thanks everyone!
    @Anki: Nee, het was een echt eind jaren ’80 witte steen die ze gebruikt hebben. In combinatie met donkerbruine betimmering (en een poepbruine keuken toen we erin trokken) echt een tijdbeeld. De enige plek waar je het nu nog aan zien kan is de wc: blauw en een zwanentegeltjes thema. Érg rustiek…haha


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