
Problem is not that you decide to take in a new piece of vintage furniture…

the problem is that on that exact spot there’s another piece of furniture that needs to make room for the new one.
But since you’re very attached to that piece of furniture too, it needs a new spot.
The new spot is great, but pity that that spot was already taken too, so that piece of furniture needs to make room for…
I could go on forever.
I’ve spent one whole weekend refurbishing this sweet sideboard and replacing almost every piece of furniture in our home after giving this one it’s spot in our livingroom.

We bought him in a thriftshop for about $ 30 and after a good clean & wax session, it’s ready to do it’s storage job again for the next 40 years. I love to clean and ‘get to know’ old furniture like this, dreaming about it’s former home and why it ended up at the thriftshop.
As you know, I tend to name things I like, even if it’s a piece of furniture. I call this one Bruin (Dutch for brown). Because he’s brown. And because I love him since the first time I layed eyes on him.

“Dear? Where can I find my keys?”
“Did you look at Bruin?”
I think we’ll have a very long and happy life together.

6 antwoorden
  1. dottie angel
    dottie angel zegt:

    oooh yes, i can see why it was love at first sight with Bruin. he is quite the looker! reading your post Marlous had me smiling, for indeed the same shuffle happens here in the shed, and just as you, i love them all and do not wish to ‘boot’ anyone out…
    at this moment however i am downsizing our upstairs contents and it is becoming quite the tricky thing to decide who can stay and who will go :(

  2. jane
    jane zegt:

    Whaaa Marlous, I saw your Bruin at the thrift shop – already sold of course! I should have known it was you who bought him;-) He’s lovely and he fits your home perfectly!


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