You’re a tacky dog collector before you know it

Sometimes you sit on the couch..look around you…and discover you’re becoming a tacky dog collector at a very rapid pace. It’s not already as bad as it sounds, but I have to be careful. In the blink of an eye, I’ve become a hoarder with cupboards filled with porcelain dog statues. That might get me on Oprah, but I don’t know if that’s a good thing :-)

A nice example of my tacky dog wake-up call occured a while ago when I visited a thriftshop with my sisters-in-law (what a lucky girl am I, to have two sisters-in-law that want to go thrifting with me and find it actually funny to see me marching through the racks with old stuff with a ‘serious business’ look on my face). I stumbled upon a very, very tacky (I admit it) poodle statue and asked my sisters if it would be a good plan to take the poodle home with me. I’ve never seen the look on two faces change so fast from amused to complete horror. I shouldn’t have told them about Frank, my porcelain greyhound (above), or Lolly, my vintage dog planter. I should have kept my big mouth and just buy the poodle and hide it from my sisters-in-law. Alas…me and the poodle weren’t meant to be. My sisters convinced me not to buy it. They warned me I was rapidly changing into a crazy porcelain dog hoarder, that my Love would leave me and that I might even get on Oprah with my crazy collections.
Ah well…I didn’t know what name to give the poodle anyway.
2 antwoorden
  1. ♥ Liefgeval ♥
    ♥ Liefgeval ♥ zegt:

    Aahh heerlijk toch! Verzamelen is het beste dat er is, of het nou hondjes, poesjes of hertjes zijn :). Lolly is echt te gek! Ik zag laatst ook een enorme poedel, werkelijk zo lelijk, maar dan toch mooi. Even heb ik ermee in handen gestaan tot een vriendinnetje me wat vreemd aankeek, hihi!

  2. Iris
    Iris zegt:

    Ik moet ook héél erg uitkijken om niet teveel te kopen op rommelmarkten cq kringlopen. Want oh, ik heb telkens dat ‘nu of nooit’ gevoel. En spijt van wat dingen die ik niet heb gekocht. Zeer slechte combi. ;)


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